As we live through the twentieth anniversary of the US-led invasion of Iraq, The Red Line Media is proud to present a series of articles exploring the complex and ongoing impact of this historic event. From the political upheaval and constitutional challenges faced by the Iraqi people, to the ongoing struggles of women, children and families in the aftermath of war, our writers have delved deep into the heart of the matter to bring you the most compelling and insightful analysis.

It’s hard to believe that two decades have passed since the world was rocked by the events of 2003. International reactions to the US-led invasion were mixed, with some nations expressing support for the move while others protested vehemently against it. Regardless of one’s stance on the issue, there’s no denying the far-reaching consequences of the conflict in Iraq. The country has been living through a wholistic chaos since then, with political instability, violence, and social unrest shaping the lives of millions of people.

Satee Amar’s article on the process of writing the new Iraqi constitution explores the aftermath of the war from a legal and political perspective. In the wake of such monumental conflict, drafting a new constitution proved to be no easy feat. Amar analyzes the challenges faced by the Iraqi people as they worked to create a document that would reflect their values and aspirations while also respecting the complex realities of their nation’s history and future.

Meanwhile, Murtada al-Hudod’s article on the remains of war after 20 years of its end delves into the tragic and lasting effects of the conflict. Long after the fighting stopped, the people of Iraq continue to suffer from the after-effects of war, from unexploded bombs to lingering health issues caused by exposure to toxins and pollutants. By shedding light on these overlooked issues, al-Hudod brings attention to the ongoing human toll of this conflict.

Hiba Al-Majid’s article on how women suffer differently during wars highlights the ways in which Iraqi women have been uniquely impacted by the war. From the basic needs of sanitary products to the horrific experiences of sexual violence, women in Iraq have faced incredible challenges in the aftermath of the conflict. Al-Majid’s article examines the state of women’s rights in Iraq 20 years after the war and asks important questions about the future of gender equality in the country.

Wafaa Ghanim’s article on the disappearance phenomenon in Iraq explores the plight of those who have gone missing since the conflict began. Thousands of people in Iraq have vanished without a trace, either arrested by the government or killed by terrorist groups. Ghanim’s article asks important questions about what can be done to bring these missing persons home and how long the country can continue to live with this sense of unresolved loss.

Finally, Nagham Makki’s article on the educational system in Iraq after 2003 examines the ongoing challenges faced by the country’s education sector. Despite efforts to open up to the world and rebuild after the conflict, the educational system in Iraq has struggled to provide students with the resources and opportunities they need to succeed. By exploring the roots of these issues, Makki’s article sheds light on the ongoing struggles of Iraqi youth to access quality education.

Together, these articles offer a sobering and thought-provoking reflection on the impact of the US-led invasion of Iraq. While the conflict may be a distant memory for some, for millions of people in Iraq and beyond, the effects are still being felt every day. By examining the issues from multiple angles, our writers hope to provide a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the complex aftermath of this historic event.